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Trauma and minor injuries clinic in Lebanon

Lebanon is in crisis. We have watched horrified as a densely populated capital was pounded by a fierce bombing campaign and are incredibly concerned of what’s to come. Residential buildings were flattened with incredibly concerning reports of thousands of dead and injured civilians, including children. 

Over 100,000 people have become displaced,  many of them Palestinian and Syrian refugees who have escaped from one horror to another, made refugees again.

Hospitals were already overwhelmed but now they simply can’t cope with the flow of rapidly rising injuries. As we have seen in Gaza, the lack of healthcare leads to a loss of even more lives or life altering injuries. 

Our role at PIMA has always been to react and support those who need healthcare as fast as possible. And now we are asking you our dear donors for help.

We plan to respond now in Lebanon’s time of need by opening a minor injuries and trauma clinic. We simply can’t sit by whilst innocent men, women and children are killed and injured by the relentless bombings.

Your money will go directly to funding this vital lifesaving aid.

Thank you for donating and making a real difference to the lives of those affected by this. 

We must have a ceasefire now, but until then our support will react as fast as possible to help those suffering the most.

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